The Lord Mayors Award
I was shocked when I received a letter many months ago with the Lord Mayors crest on the envelope. When reading the letter I was taken aback that I have been nominated for the Lord Mayor’s award, and even more astonished that I was one of the three people who would gain the award.
The award is an annual event with the Lord Mayor of Canterbury “honours the people who go the extra mile to help others”. They are nominated by the general public and the final judging is made by a party of counsellors.
For many months I had to keep this as a secret from all my friends and family. Know one could be told I would be awarded this honour until the press release on the evening of the ceremony. Keeping a secret so big was very frustrating. After I received the letter I “googled” The lord mayors award from previous years, to see what previous winners had done and achieved. Are you switch I could find seemed a lot older than myself. This made me wonder how I got here, in this time. (Despite the fact my nominee was a amazing writer!).
I realised that maybe it’s because I have a passion because what I do is so so close to me. I not only fundraisers, raise awareness but I live with it every day. I feel I want to make a difference in the world of epilepsy, and leave my handprints and footprints on this world. This seems to be happening a lot quicker than I thought, which I never expected at all.
I have to thank the lovely lady who nominated me, and he obviously sees things about me which I didn’t see myself. I am so thankful to you Liz. I’m still amazed, shocked, happy and still on a high from it all.
The ceremony took place on October 1, 2015. We first went to tower house where I and the other two winners were greeted by the Lord Mayor, the sheriff of Canterbury, assistance and counsellors who had chains adorning them, looking is Rego as the surroundings at tower house. Tower house was beautiful with decorations so in tune with its age. We had glasses of bubbly (A rare occurrence for me), and there are so many people to talk to. I was very nervous, however I really enjoyed it. Mum and Liz were brilliant and good people to help by my side.
We then moved from tower house and walked over to the Guildhall, which was a very large Hall and conference area with lots of seats, some seats with microphones. What’s the counsellors from the surrounding areas are many public people were there too. We went inside and were told where to sit. There is now a special order of how the Lord Mayor and her people came into the home. They were all following the carried mace at the beginning of the Panoply.
After the procession the Lord Mayor said a few words and then a prayer. Do you ward ceremony then began. First was Mr Garner who volunteers are the over 60’s club. Then myself, and then last but by no means least Mrs Tickner who has many many years working with girl guiding. One by one on names were called. The Lord Mayor explained each of our stories, we went up is H had our turn and collected our certificate in a beautiful silver frame with the Lord Mayor’s crest engraved on the bottom. We need to file turns were asked to say a few words. Many photos were taken and the evening was lovely. I not any enjoy the awards ceremony but also spending some fun time with Liz too.
When the evening was over I was finally allowed to tell my friends and family. As soon as I was home I find my Nan, text my best friends and breathe a sigh of relief that the ‘secret’ was over. Such a relief.
Twitter and Facebook had news of the event and awards. It was also in the paper the following week. There is my photo in small on the front page and the photo of us all in full with the article writer. The header was”Community heroes take a bow at awards”.
I would not call myself a hero, just someone wanting to make a difference.
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