Google Doodle For Epilepsy Awareness

Our First Campaign – A Google Doodle For Epilepsy Awareness. 

this one

We would like to make a difference in the world of Epilepsy – but we are small, so we want the help of Google. 

You can help us by signing our petition  CLICK HERE 


or / and , by writing a letter like this one and sending it to Google Headquarters. 


Here is the sample letter. Feel free to copy and use this one and just add your name 




Google Inc, 

Google London UK LTD

Belgrave House

76 Buckingham Palace Road, 




Dear Google, 

Epilepsy affects more than 500,000 people in the UK. This means almost 1 in 100 people has the condition. Epilepsy usually begins during childhood, although it can start at any age. Epilepsy also affects over 65,000,000 people worldwide! and causes 1000 deaths in the UK alone

We’re asking Google to create a doodle for their homepage in support of Epilepsy Awareness every year, March 26th “Purple Day” and November 1st The first day of “Epilepsy Awareness Month” . It would raise awareness of the condition which still has so much stigma attatched because people dont know about it as much as other conditions. Millions of people use google every day and this would reach out to people much more than any Epilepsy charity could ever hope to do. 

Google has created over 300 Doodles for musicians, inventors, artists, historians and more! Please Create A Google Doodle For Epilepsy Awareness! 

Our goal is to get 50,000 signatures in hopes that Google will turn their homepage icon purple for the cause! 

This petition/movement is brought to you by Jo Mumford of The Team Jo Epilepsy Foundation in Kent, UK

Twitter @TeamJo-Epilepsy


Your name goes here.